
  • Raghu Raman


    Posted by Raghu Raman April 17, 2020 - 9 votes - 41 views
    From which among the following place Nepal has launched its first Satellite NepaliSat-1?
  • Kannan Ravichandran

    Most common type of skin cancer

    Posted by Kannan Ravichandran April 17, 2020 - 7 votes - 29 views
  • Sripriya Jagananthan


    Posted by Sripriya Jagananthan April 17, 2020 - 2 votes - 34 views
    Which is the smallest ocean in the world?
  • p.kuppuswamy

    Covid-19 News

    Posted by p.kuppuswamy April 17, 2020 - 5 votes - 44 views
    How many people were dead in India by the Corona Viruses?
  • Sudheer M.


    Posted by Sudheer M. April 17, 2020 - 1 vote - 43 views
    What is the User Development Fee (UDF)?
  • Sudheer M.


    Posted by Sudheer M. April 17, 2020 - 2 votes - 24 views
    Which are the top three loss-making Public Sector Units in the year 2018 – 19, according to a public enterprise survey?
  • Balbeer M.


    Posted by Balbeer M. April 17, 2020 - 1 vote - 35 views
    What is the estimated cost of the Integrated Air Defence System sold by the U.S.A. to India?
  • Balbeer M.


    Posted by Balbeer M. April 17, 2020 - 0 votes - 32 views
    What is the estimated cost of the Integrated Air Defence System sold by the U.S.A. to India?
  • Balbeer M.


    Posted by Balbeer M. April 17, 2020 - 1 vote - 45 views
    What was the latest net inflow in Mutual Fund schemes?
  • S. Gowri Shankar

    Today Dheeran Chinnamalai's Birthday

    Posted by S. Gowri Shankar April 17, 2020 - 6 votes - 39 views

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